miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014


Hello, this is my final blog and today I´m going to write about of the experience that I gain, meanwhile I wrote the different blogs in this website.
for me is very dificult I write in english about diferent topic, independently I know or I don´t know, because it makes me hard across the English way, but I say that  this experience has been very beneficial to my, because I have been able develop an ability in my write. At the beginning I don´t know what wrote in my´s blog, for example, what word I use in this topic? or this sentence is logical ?
Well, I am Very happy whit this experience,because I learned a lot, remembered things past and have been able to develop my skills very well.
My idea for the blog would strengthen us to have free themes, as some suggested topics are not of interest to everyone, so if we have free themes more attention and greater commitment be captured with the blog.
Personally , I would have liked to take issues like our career, prepare a letter for the application to any work, or applications to universities.
This is my experience, critique and proposal for this initiative which is otherwise very good meeting.
