jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

An Expert That I Admire

When I think, who is an expert that I admire ? I think in some persons that is present in my training professional and personal, for example philosopher, Aristóteles, Platón, or thinker John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau or more contemporary, Karl Popper or scientist, Issac Newton, Albert Einstein. Leonardo Da Vinci or since personage of this Country Jaime Guzman, Gladys Marin, Enrique Silva-Cimma, among others.

I can't say that I admire someone because I don't. What I feel is respect for certain people who have shown greatness. One of those people is my former secundary school teacher mister Eduardo Donoso.He is a tremendous teacher language.Little can I say about his life. He has two daugthers. The reason I mention this particular teacher is because he has been an inspiration for my everyday teaching. Before deciding to study public administration, education was within the possible careers to follow. For their valuable example as a teacher, and he also studied in public school, I feel very identified with his life and his tremendous vocation.

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